About us

How many times have you washed laundry only to be completely bewildered by the fact that one of the socks from the pair is missing when you take it out of the dryer. Ten socks go into the washer, but only 7 come out of the dryer! It’s FRUSTRATING! Then you have a pile of unmatched, unsorted, and unloved socks!
According to the US News and World Report, Americans spend an average of one year of their life looking for lost or misplaced items. And a recent survey found that one out of four consumers would like to be more organized.
Kevin Bunn, a father of two small children and a stay-at-home entrepreneur, is one of those “guys” that helps with the household chores, especially the laundry. He became very frustrated every time he did the laundry – he would throw the dirty matched socks into the washer, and out from the dryer would come a pile of solo socks, no longer paired.
After countless research and trying many different solutions, it was apparent nothing worked, and he knew there had to be a way to resolve this common problem. With a background in mechanical engineering, sales, and marketing, he invented the SockDock® – a simple and easy-to-use sock laundry tool designed to keep socks in pairs while washing, drying and storing, so you never have to sort socks again!
Our family no longer wastes time sorting, matching or looking for socks, which makes for a more organized and enjoyable home life!
Even Kanaan (age 11) and EllaBlue (age 3) put their socks on the SockDock®! Even though they may never find the strength to throw their dirty clothes in the hamper, we are happy and content they at least enjoy using the SockDock®!